An XML well-formedness checker is a tool that verifies if an XML document adheres to the basic structural rules of XML. This includes elements having properly closed tags, following a nesting hierarchy, and containing valid characters. A well-formed document ensures it can be processed by any XML parser, but doesn't necessarily guarantee that it meets specific data requirements.
Several structured document tools offer an XML-well formedness checker including:
- Oxygen XML Editor Professional by Syncro Soft facilitates verifying XML structure for well-formedness as you edit.
- Altova XMLSpy Professional XML Editor enables real-time well-formedness checks with error highlighting.
- Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite offers built-in well-formedness validation to ensure your XML adheres to the foundational rules.
- Liquid Studio XML Editor Edition includes a well-formedness checker to identify structural errors during the editing process.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our structured document tools comparison.