The Document Type Definition (DTD) acts as a blueprint for structuring and validating XML documents. DTD editing involves defining elements and their attributes, specifying content models that dictate how elements nest within each other, and setting constraints on data types to ensure information adheres to a specific format. DTD editing tools typically offer visual or code-based editing options, allowing developers to tailor the DTD to precisely define the allowable structure and content of their XML data.
Several structured document tools offer DTD Editing including:
- Oxygen XML Editor Professional by Syncro Soft facilitates DTD creation and editing with code and visual options for defining elements, attributes, and content models.
- Altova XMLSpy Professional XML Editor enables comprehensive DTD editing, including graphical editing tools and validation functionalities.
- Stylus Studio XML Enterprise Suite offers robust DTD editing features alongside advanced XML development capabilities like schema design and XSLT editing.
- Liquid Studio XML Editor Edition streamlines DTD development through a user-friendly interface for creating, editing, and validating DTDs.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our structured document tools comparison.