A date editor control is a user interface element designed for selecting and entering dates. It typically combines a text field for manual input with a calendar popup for visual selection. Beyond basic date picking, many controls offer features like time selection, range definition, drop-down lists for pre-defined dates, and even input masks for enforcing specific date formats. Commonly found in applications like forms, booking systems, and calendars, date editor controls streamline date input, improving user experience and data accuracy.
Several React data editor collections provide date editors including:
- DevExtreme Complete Data Editors (part of DevExtreme Complete) by DevExpress includes DateBox and DateRangeBox UI components for React, offering users flexible date and time entry with support for a range of formats.
- KendoReact Data Editors (part of KendoReact) by Telerik is a UI kit for React developers that boasts a flexible and customizable interface for date/time editing, with built-in localization and date range selection.
- Wijmo Input and Editors (part of Wijmo) by MESCIUS (formerly GrapeCity) offers several date/time input controls that fully support React, including an intuitive calendar and time picker with support for valid ranges.
- Syncfusion Essential Studio for JavaScript Data Editors (part of Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise) provides a lightweight date picker component for React with support for range restriction and globalization.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our React Data Editors comparison.