グリッドをRESTful APIに接続してデータを取得し、アプリケーションのパフォーマンス、拡張性、保守性、使いやすさを向上させます。
A RESTful API is a standardized interface that facilitates interaction between your application and remote data sources. Built on the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST), it leverages familiar HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on resources. This elegant and widely adopted approach ensures predictable communication, simplifies data access and manipulation, and empowers your applications to be dynamic, scalable, and efficient. In essence, RESTful APIs act as secure intermediaries, orchestrating a seamless flow of information between your application and the data it needs.
Several JavaScript grid controls support RESTful as a data source, such as:
- Syncfusion Grid control for JavaScript (part of Syncfusion Essential Studio Enterprise) is a feature-rich datagrid that supports seamless RESTful data binding.
- Ignite UI Angular Grid (part of Infragistics Ignite UI) is an Angular-native grid, that can deal with unlimited rows and columns of data, with support for REST API data sources.
- Sencha Ext JS Grid (part of Sencha Ext JS) is a customizable grid capable of processing large data sets, with support for local or remote data sources through RESTful methods.
- SmartClient Grid (part of SmartClient by Isomorphic Software) is an enterprise-grade grid featuring robust REST integration, supporting custom filtering logic and real-time updates.
- ZingGrid is a JavaScript library for building customizable data tables, which also offers REST data binding capabilities, for smooth scrolling and fast rendering with massive datasets.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our JavaScript grid comparison.