ASP.NET CoreのグリッドデータをPDFにエクスポートし、簡単に共有してオフライン分析や記録管理可能
PDF export is a powerful feature in grid controls, allowing users to capture and share data presented in a readily accessible format. This functionality typically involves dedicated methods or settings within the grid, enabling seamless transformation of the displayed data into a structured PDF document. Users often have control over what sections and columns to export, along with formatting options like headers, fonts, and page layout. This flexibility makes PDF export ideal for generating printable reports, archiving snapshots of grid data, and distributing information beyond the confines of the application.
Several ASP.NET Core grids support exporting to PDF including:
- DevExpress ASP.NET Core Data Grid provides rich PDF export with formatting options, data binding and custom layouts.
- FlexGrid for ASP.NET by MESCIUS can export grids to pixel-perfect PDFs with flexible formatting options like fonts, colors, and borders.
- Infragistics ASP.NET Core Data Grid includes feature-rich PDF export with options for data binding, cell styles and layouts.
- Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Grid features a powerful PDF export engine with advanced formatting capabilities like conditional styles, headers/footers and watermarks.
- Syncfusion ASP.NET Core DataGrid can create high-fidelity PDFs from grids with rich formatting options.
For an in-depth analysis of features and price, visit our ASP.NET Core grids comparison.