AnyChart JS 8.12.0は、インタラクティブイベントでCircle Packingチャートを強化し、ユーザーの操作に応答する動的な視覚化を容易に
AnyChart JS is a lightweight and robust JavaScript charting library that enables you to create stunning and interactive charts, dashboards, and maps. It provides a wide range of chart types, including line charts, bar charts, pie charts, scatter plots, and more. You can also customize the appearance of your charts using a variety of options, such as colors, fonts, and themes.
The AnyChart JS 8.12 release adds a suite of interactivity events to the Circle Packing chart, allowing you to attach event listeners to any chart element and create dynamic visualizations that respond to user interactions such as mouse movements, hovers, and clicks. This new feature enables you to add or modify information and reshape chart behavior in real-time, enhancing data exploration experiences.
To see a full list of what's new in version 8.12.0, see our release notes.
AnyChart JS offers a range of Annual and Perpetual licensing options including Website, Internal, Saas, Enterprise, OEM, and Next Unicorn Licenses. For more information visit our AnyChart JS licensing page.
For more information, visit our AnyChart JS product page.